"Just Wednesday" is the playground of pianoplayer Esben Just. He will once a month invite a guest for musical exchange.  - some Blues, some Jazz, some Country - and some...?

- let's see where it can lead.


Tonight Esben is out of town and Hans Knudsen will be the challenger. 



Esben Just is probably the leading New Orleans pianoplayer in Denamrk. With a long career as, among other things, frontman in Sp Just & Frost as well as a number of similar trio constellations with e.g. Niels Ratzer and Ole Skipper. Esben Just was also in Groovie Greasebags with Johnny Sangster from Sharing Patrol. In addition, Esben has performed with a lot of "known" established danish artists; Sanne Salomonsen, Henning Stærk, Ivan P, Poul Krebs, etc. But most of all, Esben Just is an eminently entertaining solo pianist. So what is more natural than throwing Esben into a series of duo constellations that can challenge his and his co-player's musical universes.

Esben and Mojo will continue with "Just Wednesday" with a number of different guests. 

This wednesday in august The Producer, The Bassplayer the Guitarplayer the composer Zac Celinder from Denmark will join Esben Just.

Together they will play some Esben Tunes feat. Zac - and some Zac tunes feat. Esben.

And some other artists tunes together. All played in a friendly and funny vibe.

Event Date 07-08-2024 21:00
Individual Price Free entry
Besætning Esben Just: Piano/Voc, Al Holbrook: Piano/Voc
English description "Just Wednesday" er Esben Just's legeplads hvor han inviterer forskellige gæster. Det bliver til en hel stribe koncerter med Esben Just og en artist fra "Miljøet" - noget Blues, noget Jazz, noget Country - og noget...? - lad os se hvor det kan bære hen. Esben Just er nok landets førende New Orleans pianist med en lang karriere som bla. frontmand i Sp Just Frost samt en række lignende triokonstellationer med bl.a. Niels Ratzer og Ole Skipper. Esben Just var også med i Groovie Greasebags sammen med Johnny Sangster fra Sharing Patrol. Derudover har Esben optrådt med et hav af de "kendte" Sanne Salomonsen, Henning Stærk, Ivan P, Poul Krebs osv. Men mest af alt er Esben Just en eminent underholdende solopianist. Så hvad er mere naturligt end at kaste Esben ud i en række duo konstellationer som kan udfordre hans og sin medspillers musikalske universer. Her i 2024 fortsætter vi med "Just Wednesday" med en række forskellige gæster. Der er lagt op til en stribe koncerter med Esben Just og en artist fra "Miljøet" - noget Blues, noget Jazz, noget Country - og noget...? - lad os se hvor det kan bære hen.

Løngangsstræde 21C
1468 København
CVR: 18752205

Bar, office and Table Reservation
Phone: (+45) 33 11 64 53 or billet@mojo.dk

Band Booking
Phone: (+45) 23 44 97 77 mojo@mojo.dk 

