Samantha Smith & The Chargers
This great band was initially put together by Peter Nande from Straight Shooter Records, in 2016, after he saw Samantha Antoinette sing “Stormy Monday” at the Copenhagen Blues Festival. This collaboration has since traveled around Denmark playing to “Blues Houses and Festivals” Just causing a storm but in the best blues way. It cannot be denied that their electrifying energy and fusion on stage just totally encapsulates an audience, bringing them together as they dance and sing along to the blues and become enchanted by the musical journey and dexterity of some of danish most finest, talented and best musicians hailing from the blues school of life. The Chargers, leave you feeling empowered, buoyant and just wanting more and more.
Samantha-Antoinette Smith started singing professionally over 35 years ago and has enjoyed singing Gospel, Blues, Jazz, Motown & Pop music.
She joined The London Community Gospel Choir and stayed for 21 years. "I have so many fond, unforgettable memories and I worked with amazing top celebrities and artists, providing backup singing sometimes as part of a trio or as a backup choir including being amongst LCGC's top lead singers."
Sangerinden Samantha Antoinette Smith fra England er en fantastisk soulsangerinde der ved flere tilfælde har besøgt Danmark bla. ved Copenhagen Bluesfestival i 2016, hun har flere gange "væltet Mojo".
Samantha Antoinette Smith er kendt for sin store kraftfulde stemme, samt for sit udadvendte sceneshow.
- ofte smider hun skoene og danser barfodet på scenen.
Samantha Antoinette har sunget gospel, blues soul og jazz siden barnsben og hendes unikke smukke og varme stemme har taget hende hele verdenen rundt som "backing" sanger for store internationale navne som bl.a. Depeche Mode og Jamiroquai.
Nu satser hun på en solokarriere, og står denne aften på scenen med sit danske band og en sætliste fuld af dansevenlig blues.
På guitar har hun den virtuose guitarist Kasper (Lefty) Vegebjerg og som backing band, Asmus Jensen på trommer og Jakob Kortbæk på bas.
"None of us were prepared for what happened next. Samantha-antoinette Smith took the microphone and, the whole room was entranced by the quality of the vocal and raw emotion in her voice. In baseball terms she knocked the ball so far out of the park it would end up in a different state"!
"Gifted with a bottomless gospel voice, Samantha-antoinette Smith tapped into these harrowing narratives with breathtaking command and control - harnessing each facet of her voice, from the dark, low range to her piercing, throaty howl. Samantha-Antoinette Smith interpreted the most searing songs of the evening". This Girl can surely sing the Blues, The Gospel and The Soul.
Event Information
Event Date | 13-09-2024 21:00 |
Individual Price | 130,- |