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Øernes Blues Band: A legendary Danish blues band

40 years on the road, playing the blues from Buddy Guy, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Robert Cray, Allman Brothers, Peter Green, John Mayall, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix and many more.

It's solid, it's grooving and the combination of young and experienced musicians together, makes Øernes Blues Band Vital.

I remember way back in the Early 90's when I used to work as a volunteer Roadie - Øernes Blues Band was very often the headliner when we visited small festivals or big venues. This is a blues band that knows the history, and plays it damn well. 

Øernes Blues Band has existed since 1984. 
Today, in 2024, they have decided to welcome two younger members. They are: Vocals, blues harp and saxophone Danny Wickmann and drummer Johan Larsen. 
Letting the two generations play up to each other has proven to be very inspiring for both the audience and the four musicians in the band. 
Inspired by artists such as: Buddy Guy, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Robert Cray, Allman Brothers, Peter Green, John Mayall, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix and others, the band has together rediscovered their original sound and expression.
For 40 years, Øernes Blues Band has played everywhere in Denmark, and they are welcomed again and again because it swings and exudes musical joy.
Do yourself a favor and join the world of blues with Øernes Blues Band 
anno 2024.

Det er Lørdag og noget så legendarisk som øernes Blues Band med mere end  40 års virke på de danske landeveje står på scenen.
Mojo åbner kl. 20 det koster 100,- og man kan reservere en siddeplads ved at skrive til mailen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Øernes Blues Band har eksisteret siden 1984.
I dag anno 2024 har de rundet de 40 år på bluesscenen. Øernes Blues Band er de seneste par år blevet beriget med et par yngre medlemmer. Det er: Vokal, blues-harpe og saxofon Danny Wickmann samt trommeslager Johan Larsen, selvfølgelig i selskab med rutinen og erfaringen Bas: Jan Hvidtved og Leadguitar af den særlige slags: Ken Damkier.
At lade de to generationer spille op til hinanden har vist sig at være meget inspirerende for både publikum og de fire musikere i bandet.
Inspireret af kunstnere som: Buddy Guy, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Robert Cray, Allman Brothers, Peter Green, John Mayall, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix m.fl, har bandet sammen genfundet deres oprindelige lyd og udtryk.
Igennem de 40 år har Øernes Blues Band spillet overalt i Danmark, og de bliver budt velkommen igen og igen, fordi det swinger og emmer af musikglæde.
Tjek dem ud - de holder for vildt.


Event Information

Event Date 22-02-2025 21:00
Individual Price 120,-

Løngangsstræde 21C
1468 København
CVR: 18752204

Bar, office and Table Reservation
Phone: (+45) 33 11 64 53 or billet@mojo.dk

Band Booking
Phone: (+45) 23 44 97 77 mojo@mojo.dk 

