Kenn Lending, Scandinavia's most enduring and legendary blues master, turns 70 in February 2025. For around 50 years, he has been a legend in the Danish and Nordic music scene. Initially, he was a guitar ace in the legendary latin funk band "Himmelexpressen", and since 1980, he has led his own Kenn Lending Blues Band.

Since 1980, Kenn has guided this band through thousands of successful concerts, where humor,
seriousness, joy of playing, and packed dance floors have been staple ingredients.
Kenn’s philosophy is simple and effective: Blues is like a language you have to learn, to tell your own personal story. Therefore, Kenn’s own songs have featured prominently, both on KLBB's 13 albums and in the band's repertoire. His songs appeal to everyone who loves African American music, drawing inspiration from nearly the entire palette of styles within this tradition, with an unmistakable personal sound that never leaves the universe of Black Music or loses the blue tone. The band is also a creative playground, where the fantastic musicians he always surrounds himself with, have the optimal opportunity to improvise and shape the music with their immersive virtuosity and personality. Therefore, no two concerts with KLBB are ever quite the
Kenn received the traditional "blues master teachings" through his long friendship and collaboration with blues singer and barrelhouse pianist Champion Jack Dupree, born in 1909 in New Orleans. From 1978 until Jack Dupree's death in 1992, the duo played over 1000 concerts in 35 countries and states across Europe, Africa and North America. Their almost symbiotic interplay can be heard on more than 20 recordings.
Kenn Lending has released 13 albums under his own name and appears on well over 20 albums with American artists such as Champion Jack Dupree, Memphis Slim, Mickey Baker, Louisiana Red, Luther Allison, Aron Burton, Janice Harrington, Lillian Boutté, and the American rock band "The Band".

Kenn made his vinyl debut in 1976 with the latin funk band "Himmelexpressen", which he played with and composed for from 1972 to 1979.
Although Kenn might, on paper, be approaching his expiry date, he certainly hasn't slowed down in terms of pace or joy of playing. He still wants to meet his audience and play the music he loves for many years to come. Music that draws on a tradition where a sense of triumph over darkness and fear, creates an atmosphere of optimism, celebration and joy, which we so greatly need in these times. Kenn is also still the lively and cheerful musician who loves to give his audience all he's got, and he looks forward to every single gig as much as he always has.



Kenn Lending, Skandinaviens mest sejlivede og legendariske bluesmester, fylder 70 år i 2025. Han og Kenn Lending Blues Band har siden 1980 været en institution i Danmarks og Nordens blues og jazz miljø. I snart et halvt århundrede, har Kenn styret dette band til tusindvis af succesfulde koncerter, hvor humor, alvor, spilleglæde og et pakket dansegulv har været faste ingredienser.


Kenns filosofi er enkel og effektiv: Blues er som et sprog man må tilegne sig, for at kunne fortælle sin egen personlige historie. Kenns egne sange har derfor fyldt godt op, både på de 13 albums og på bandet repertoire. De henvender sig ligeledes til alle, som har et hjerte for musik og henter inspiration fra mange stilarter, uden nogensinde at forlade bluesens univers, eller miste den blå tone. Bandet er også en kreativ legeplads, hvor de fantastiske musikere, som han altid har omgivet sig med, har optimal mulighed for at improvisere og præge musikken med deres indlevende virtuositet og personlighed. Derfor er to koncerter med KLBB aldrig helt ens.


 Kenn fik den traditionelle "blues-mesterlære" igennem sit lange venskab og samarbejde med bluessangeren og barrelhouse pianisten Champion Jack Dupree, født 1909 i New Orleans. Fra 1978 og til Jack Dupree's død i 1992, spillede duoen over 1000 koncerter i 35 lande og stater i Europa, Afrika og Nord Amerika. Deres nærmest symbiotiske sammenspil kan høres på mere end 20 pladeindspilninger.


Kenn Lending har udgivet 13 albums I eget navn, og medvirker på langt over 20 albums med amerikanske kunstnere som Champion Jack Dupree, Memphis Slim, Mickey Baker, Louisiana Red, Luther Allison, Aron Burton, Janice Harrington, Lillian Boutté og det amerikanske rockband The Band. Vinyl debuten havde han allerede i 1976, med det legendariske danske latin funk band “Himmelexpressen”, som hans spilede med og komponerede til fra 1972 til 1979.


Selvom Kenn måske på papiret, har overskredet sidste salgsdato, har han bestemt ikke skruet ned for tempoet og ambitionerne, om at udbrede den måde at spille blues på, som hans mestre indviede ham i. Ligesom madspild er en synd i disse tider, er musikspild det også. Og Kenn er stadigt den friske og glade spillemand, som elsker at give sit publikum alt hvad det kan trække - og han vil glæde sig til hvert et spillejob i mange år endnu.




Event Information

Event Date 08-02-2025 21:00
Individual Price 150,-

Løngangsstræde 21C
1468 København
CVR: 18752204

Bar, office and Table Reservation
Phone: (+45) 33 11 64 53 or

Band Booking
Phone: (+45) 23 44 97 77 

