Delta Blues Band

Delta Blues Band

We do it again - maybe the last edition of the Delta Blues Band.
Without doubt, Denmark's oldest blues band is back in a new constellation.
They play an "early" concert - at 7pm and you can reserve a seat by writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
50 seat reservations are made and in advance and we can house approx. 85 guests - so hurry up.

The oldest scandinavian blues band made a sensational comeback at the Copenhagen Blues Festival in 2008. The band is considered one of the most important founders of the blues scene in Denmark - it all started in the sixties. 
In the later version as the Delta Cross Band, they were hugely successful in the eighties.

In connection with the Copenhagen Blues festival, the old boys thought it would be fun to get the band together again, as it had been 40 years since it all started.
At the head of the band was Denmark's Mr. Blues: Troels Jensen, who unfortunately in 2020, passed away far too soon.

In 2022, the audience was presented to a new and expanded version of the orchestra.
The band had been reinforced by the pianist Henning Verner and Danny Linde aka "Dee Boy Junior" (Zididada etc.), who for many years has had the legend Troels Jensen as his good friend, mentor, and source of inspiration.
The harmonicas will this evening be played by Jacob Krausmann (Zididada) and behind the drums is the experienced Asmus Jensen. On Bass, you will meet Jens Rugsted, and on lead guitar you still have Troels Jensen's old sideman, since 68, Thomas Puggaard-Müller, who in 2008 had his comeback on the Danish blues scene.

Solid, well-played and very competent music is played, reaching far into all corners of blues music.  It will be nothing but modern legendary.

Video from "Kun For Forrykte Festivalen 2024" 

Vi gør det igen - den seneste udgave af Delta Blues Band kan virkelig noget.
Uden tvivl Danmarks ældste blues band er tilbage i en ny konstellation.
De spiller "tidligt" - kl. 19 og man kan reservere en plads ved at skrive til This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Der laves 50 siddepladsreservationer og vi kan huse ca 85 gæster  - Så skynd jer.

Skandinaviens ældste bluesband gjorde sensationelt comeback ved årets Copenhagen Blues Festival i 2008. Bandet anses som nogle af de vigtigste grundlæggere af blues-scenen i Danmark tilbage i tresserne. I den senere udgave som Delta Cross Band fik de kæmpe succes i firserne.

I forbindelse med Copenhagen Blues festival mente de gamle drenge, at det kunne være sjovt at samle bandet igen, idet det da var 40 år siden, det hele startede.
I spidsen for bandet stod Danmarks Mr. Blues: Troels Jensen, som desværre i 2020, gik alt for tidligt bort.
I 2022 blev publikum præsenteret for en ny og udvidet udgave af orkestret.
Bandet har fået forstærkning af pianisten Henning Verner og Danny Linde aka "Dee Boy Junior" (Zididada mfl.), der i mange år har haft Troels som sin gode ven og inspirationskilde.
Mundharperne spilles denne aften af Jacob Krausmann (Zididada) og  bag trommerne finder man den erfarne og vidt berejste Asmus Jensen. På Bas, møder man i 2024 udgaven Jens Rugsted, og på leadguitar har man stadig Troels Jensens gamle sideman, siden 68, Thomas Puggaard-Müller, der i 2008 havde sit comeback på den danske blues-scene.

Der spilles solid, velspillet og meget kompetent musik, der kommer langt ud i alle kroge af bluesmusikken.
Det bliver intet mindre end moderne legendarisk


Danny (voc/gui), Henning Verner (keys), Jacob Krausman (hca/voc), Jens Rugsted (bas/voc), Asmus Jensen (trommer)

Event Information

Event Date 19-12-2024 19:00
Individual Price 200,-

Løngangsstræde 21C
1468 København
CVR: 18752204

Bar, office and Table Reservation
Phone: (+45) 33 11 64 53 or

Band Booking
Phone: (+45) 23 44 97 77 

