Forrige dag Onsdag 08/09 Næste dag

Buds Copenhagen
Richard Farrell og
Rick Hauchman

Buds Copenhagen
Richard Farrell og 
Rick Hauchman

Kl. 21.00 / fri entré

Jeg sad en eftermiddag og så en elendig video fra Facebook med to helt forrygende musikere - jeg fandt hurtigt ud af at det jo var Richard Farrell og Rick Hauchman
- dem skal jeg ha' til Mojo - og her er de. En onsdag aften, prøv quizzen, og kig ind til en omgang fed troubadour musik - de lyder sååå godt.
Vil du sikre dig en siddeplads og kan være her senest 20.00 så skriv til
Her er hvad de selv skriver om projektet:
It all started in the Montagne Nore in France in February 2020.. Before all the madness started. Irish man Richard Farrell(Trainman Blues) was caretaker/artist-in-residence at La Muse Artist and Writers retreat for 8 months. North Carolinan songwriter Rick Hauchman(Lowlife Brother Hood) came to visit Richard to hang out, cook some food and mostly to see what kind of songs they could muster up together.
The spring time of southern France creeped into their bones, and before they knew it, Buds was born. Within one week, Richard and Rick had written and recorded their first EP together, come and listen to it, by the limited edition vinyl!
